About Magenta
Magenta artistic collaboration was born from the need to explore the crossroads between visual arts, theatre-performance and media. Magenta’s founding members are Katerina Sotiriou, visual artist/set and costume designer, and Elena Timplalexi, post doc, laboratory lecturing staff member at NTLab, Communication & Media Studies Dept., National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Other artists and performers may be invited to join in the creative process depending on each project.
Most of our artworks are materialized in video art and the performance medium. Theatre, a background for both of us involved in Magenta, becomes both a source of inspiration as well as reaction. We think of performance and video art as more effective routes to discuss theatricality and performativity rather than bourgeois theatre conventions and even normalized theatrical avant garde.
We do not set out to produce art about any particular subject. Our thematic focus varies from anti-consumerism and feminism to climate change and war. But, our artistic need springs out from the need to contemplate fear and defeatism on an individual and collective level. Through our works, we try to provide the spectator with a space in which they may find their own space to contemplate fear and defeat. We do not intend to terrify or even provoke the audience, we do not use the code of shock because we do not believe in this. We resist the arena that further enhances defeatism. We try and provide you with stimulating material that does not give answers to your problems.
Zymari (4 mins 21 secs), video art (June 2019).
I am_Orestis (1 min 33 secs), video art (Oct 2018).
Puck’s Dream, video art (Oct 2016).
Unstill Life – Exquisite Corpse (2 mins 13 secs), video art (Sept 2016).
I am_Antigoni [in progress], video art (June 2016).
I am_Iphigenia (1 min 33 secs), video art (Dec 2015).
Jocasta’s Lullaby ( 2mins 15 secs), video art (June 2015).
Jizzcake (15 mins), performance-video art-installation (Oct 2014).
The gift is alone, video installation (March 2014).
We are being sprayed, theatrical performance (Sept 2011).
Where is my hangman?, theatrical performance (May 2011).
She is in high spirits, theatrical performance (March – Nov 2011).
WomenCinemakers’ Interview with Magenta p. 148-177
Magenta curated ΞΟΥΘ Festival!
18-22 December 2019, Voukourestiou 33 & Voukourestiou 40, organised by Artens Cultural Centre, under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports.
The festival aimed to curate a narrative opposing discrimination, inequalities and marginalization to promote both social coherence and a participatory culture. It drew inspiration from I. Pitsipios novel Monkey Xouth or the Morals of the Century (1848). It included performances (theatre, dance, visual/performance art, music/voice, storytelling, poetry, fashion), installations, photos, film (fiction, animation, documentary) video art, digital art, VR, sound art/environments and experimental media. With the participation of:
Ανδρέας Αγγελιδάκης / Δημοσθένης Αγραφιώτης / Κατερίνα Αντωνοπούλου / Μυρτώ Αποστολίδου / Λουίζα Βραδή / Ben Brand / Αγγελίνα Βοσκοπούλου / Γιώργος Γούσης / Natasha Cantwell / Chris Capten / Alexander Chernavskiy / Jevan Chowdhury / COM.ODD.OR / Julien & Simon Dara / Εριφύλη Δαφέρμου / Ηράκλεια Δέδε / Xavier De L’ Hermuziere / Emma de Swaef / Remi Devouassoud / Απόλλων Σ Δήλιος /Χαρά Δημακάκου / Έλενα Δημοπούλου / Λήδα Δουμουλιάκα / Εργαστήριο Νέων Τεχνολογιών στην Επικοινωνία, την Εκπαίδευση και τα ΜΜΕ, Τμήμα Επικοινωνίας και ΜΜΕ, ΕΚΠΑ / Εργαστήριο Πολυμέσων-Υπερμέσων – Μάνθος Σαντοριναίος, ΑΣΚΤ / Νίκη Ζαχαρή / Μαρία Ζητάκη / Jo Fragogianni / Michael Frei / Claudius Gentinetta / Johannes C. Gerard / Philippe Grammaticopoulos / Fransesco Infante / Javril / Elliott Kajdan / Ακριβή Καλδίρη / Κώστας Καρνάβας / Alex Kavutskyi / Γιώργος Κελλής / Γιώτα Κότικα / Ντίνα Κουμπούλη / Daniel Kragh-Jacobsen / Γιάννης Κρανιδιώτης / Δημήτρης Κωσταγιόλας / Μάκης Κυριακόπουλος / Julien Lasbleiz / Mathilde Lavenne/Καλλιόπη Λιάδη / Mario Londoño / Μελίνα Μ. / Firoz Mahmud / Ισμήνη Μαθιουδάκη / Άννα Μαρία Μακρή / Μάριον Εμμανουέλα Μανιού / Nicolas Maurice / Medea Electronique / Λιζ Μεσθεναίου / Δήμητρα Μπουρίτσα / Εύα Νταραρά / Tom Noakes / Νάγια Οικονομοπούλου / Αλίκη Παππά / Πάνος Παππάς / Φωτεινή Παπαχατζή / Marina Provatidou / Νίνα Ράπη / Marc James Roels / Όλγα Πλαστήρα / Theodora Prassa /Χρήστος Ραχιώτης / Nacho Recio / Filomena Rusciano / Ομάδα Sacra / Βίκυ Σαμουηλίδου / Γιώργος Σγουρός / Alice Seabright / Αλεξάνδρα Σέλελη / Νίκος Σεπετζόγλου / Nick Sid / Ελίζα Σόρογκα / Βασιλική Σοφρά / Αναστασία Ζωή Σουλιώτου / Smack / Νίκος Σταυρόπουλος / Diana Cam Van Nguyen / Άννα Χαραλαμπίδη / Δέσποινα Χαραλάμπους / Μύρνα Τσάπα / Γιάννης Τσιαχρήστας / Αριστομένης Χατζήπαπας / Θοδωρής Χρυσικός / Αλεξία Ψαραδέλη / Ομάδα 3ος Παράλληλος
Artistic collaborations:
Blender Gallery: Johnston Foster/Κωνσταντίνος Πάτσιος
Video Art Miden: Mircea Bobînă/Γιώργος Δρόσος/Kuesti Fraun/Anna Grigorian/ Ana Rodríguez León/Mansoor Mansoori/Pablo Polledri/ Eyal Segal/Rosary Solimanto.