Unstill Life – Exquisite Corpse

Unstill Life-Exquisite Corpse explores the relationship between life, beauty, death and revolt. It attempts to reveal life as an artistic phenomenon, death as a continuing process and question the in-between space between the two. The flower, an emblem of beauty and stillness in Visual Arts worldwide, has been chosen to die with grace, like an actor onstage.

YearSept 2016Duration2 mins 13 secsShown athttp://www.noveltymag.co.uk/unstill-life/ (March 2018). Athens Digital Arts Festival 2017_Postfuture (May 2017). Madatac, Contemporary Festival of New Media Arts & Advanced Audio Visual Technologies, Madrid (Jan 2017). Hubs of nature exhibition, metamatic: taf, Athens (Sept-Oct 2016). Festival Miden, Kalamata (July 2016).Linkvimeo.com